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W8 Photography Assignments

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 15 years, 4 months ago

Photography 101 Blog



Sample Assignment 1

Photography 101





Then you can copy and paste your final draft into the comment on the Photography 101 Blog.



Assignment 1



Photography 101
  • For the photo you LIKE:    Light Through My Frosty Bedroom Window

    1. Provide the title of the picture in the comment field, then answer the following questions.
    2. What about the photo do you like and why? Is it the subject, colour, light, etc.?                              I like this picture because it looks like a candle in a glass stand.I think that is beautiful. I like the way the light reflects off the frost to make it look shiny.
    3. What could you use it for? Would it make a great screen saver, wall hanging, Facebook profile picture, etc.? This picture could be used for a screen saver and I like it as  wall hanging to and I would even put it as my profile picture on facebook or on my yearbook.

- For the photo you DISLIKE: Dried Seeweed By The Lake

  1. Provide the title of the picture in the comment field, then answer the following questions.
  2. What about the photo do you dislike and why? ie: I don't like the colour orange because a very noisy neighbor, whom I didn't like, always wore an orange sweater. This photo reminds me of him/her.
  3. What would you change about the photo to make it better and why? ie: Instead of a blank landscape I would have liked to see a person because I feel a better connection to photos with people in them.

Okay, have fun with this. Don't be nice, feel free to give any reason why you don't like one of my photos, BUT make sure you provide a WHY-statement. You need to make sure to support your statement, without support, your writing becomes less effective.


Your response below:

I like this picture because it looks like a candle in a glass stand. I think that is beautiful. I like the way the light reflects off the frost to make it look shiny.   This picture could be used for a screen saver and I like it as  wall hanging to and I would even put it as my profile picture on facebook or on my yearbook

         I don't like the dried out seaweed by the lake because if didn't tell me what it is I wouldn't have known. I would have thought it was somebody's hair that fell out.


Assignment 2


Continue to take notes on the lessons, choosing the elements on which you will focus your photography.

Photography 101 Blog


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