w8 photo motag

Motag's Photo Essay


Let Us Ride


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Familiarize yourself with:  Photo Essay Tips


Photo Essay Planning Template

Name your page "W8 Photo Plan Code"



Read over Photo Essay Tips and your iSearch page for your research information. List the main ideas here:



What do you hope to accomplish?

I hope that some cops will see this and they will see where we ride and stop tyring to take are bikes away for riding on the road be cause we never ride on the road unless we have to go across to get where are jumps are.



Focus Question

What question will your research and your photo essay answer?

I want to show everybody where we ride and what we jump in nespelem also to quite calling us in.




Write a twenty-word, focused gist statement that explains your thesis -- the message/theme of your photo essay based on the question and evidence you have found. (Do not use because).

We got alot of places to go ride and do huge jumps but we always get called in so we cant ride.







Revised Plan

Plan 1: Organize your plan into your photo story.


Photo Description Photo Message/Implication Photo Text (for reader)
The hill we jump over the top of at the sand dunes.  One of the big jumps is over the rock on the hill.
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/Sgz2-EJ2IgI/AAAAAAAABhE/vZVlyTGIkEo/s640/DSC03313.JPG at the track Theres only three jumps at the track. 
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/ShDVII2yCNI/AAAAAAAABqE/LP7Uhju1UwQ/s640/DSC03486.JPG this is also at the sand dunes. The ramp is the biggest jump that we have around nespelem.
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/ShDZUoECr3I/AAAAAAAABs0/96qmwEufTBA/s640/DSC03519.JPG this is at mineral hill. The hill in the back is mineral hill that is really steep that we try to clime.
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/Sgz2m7gtvlI/AAAAAAAABgY/toMz9XW9XBY/s640/DSC03304.JPG this is where you start to hit all the jumps. Here you can see all of the jumps that we hit but the ramp.



Revise your gist statement to match your final images and story:




Plan and explain:

Photo Text
Grabber Image will be:http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/Sgz2-EJ2IgI/AAAAAAAABhE/vZVlyTGIkEo/s512/DSC03313.JPG Title will be: First ride
Thesis photo will be:http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/Sgz20UFRTBI/AAAAAAAABgw/YgZrpVVnPFw/s512/DSC03309.JPG Thesis is: After you road here  you don't ride any where Else again. See where we ride not on the roads it's all dirt.




Plan and explain:


Photo Text
Last Grabber/Summarizing photo will be:http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WdsZRk187FM/ShDVFU95bXI/AAAAAAAABqA/idzDjb1B2WA/s512/DSC03485.JPG Phrase or question to summarize or call to action will be: The last jump you will hit in nespelem and the biggest.So please stop trying to take are bikes.
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