
w8 laria pres reasons

Page history last edited by Laira13 16 years, 4 months ago

Discussion Page Directions:




Letter to the President?  Yeah!  I have a thing or two to say. Give your reasons here. This is why I want to participate:








Code: zoute

Date: 9/12

This is why I want to participate:


I have a lot of ideas about how I think the world should work.  We have problems in our community that different rules and policies in Washingon, D.C. could help.  I want to tell these changes to the new president.


Some of the things I am interested in include the economy, jobs, and global warming.  I am worried about the economy. People are losing their homes and jobs.  What's going on?  What are solutions?  I need to look into this and let the president know.  


Global warming may be ruining the earth.  What are the facts?  Is it true?  How can we help the climate anyway?  I will find out and let the president know.






This is why I want to participate:


I Want to participate because i have a couple thing i would like to say.

Like our gas prices are going up and to most people that is a problem because most people can not afford the gas to go places. Like this is a big deal for the people that are in sports because for them to be able to go to games/matches you have to take a bus and the buses are gas hogs.Right now there are people that are

riding bikes or walking to work/school because the gas right now is $4.27. Most people are not to happy with the price of gas.The oil is the same, another problem is the polution because of the process of making gas and oil they causes air pollution. The air pollution is causing our ozone layer to thin out. Most of the things that are causing the ozone layer to thin out is mills, cars, gas station. Air pollution is resonsible for more than 2.4 millon deths a year. Another thing that is causing air pollution is motor vehicles, container ships, cruise ships, burning fire wood, furrances, fireplaces. If this can ever be fixed there would be less childern going in to the emergency room  because of there asthema attacks, and less people having heart attacks.


The thing i am worried about is the gas prices because when i grow up i want to be able to drive a car, and the look of the gas prices right now the gas prices are going to be to high for anyone to be able to go anywhere. So what i want to do is find a car or something that reuses gas and oil to be able to save money an live your life easer.



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Comments (3)

Ms. Edwards said

at 8:05 am on Sep 22, 2008

You added a statistic that supports your idea. Do you also have the source it came from to add a footnote?

Anne13 said

at 10:20 am on Sep 22, 2008

I think your right about the people walking and the ozone layer. I hope that the new president changes that.

Ms. Edwards said

at 10:09 pm on Sep 23, 2008

Very nicely researched and stated. Now just read it over to make sure you it sounds right -- no missing words, and the ideas flow from one idea to another with transitions.

Think of your lead question. Write a conclusion of what you will ask the next president to do. Almost done!

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