Got Questions? 
September Projects
Every one has questions on how to do things to complete a project. So ask here. If you know the answer, please answer it.
Use a "name of project + key words" to announce the question in H1 (heading 1) format so it appears in the Table of Contents for the page to make it easier to find. Write questions in normal format, blue color. Write answers in normal format, black color. See first question for sample.
ProjectPage + Write Questions
How do I write questions?
You can copy and paste the template from the next item. It will do this for you, and you can change the text: Just write your question in blue color as written above (the far right top row blue color in the
palette above). Use a key word or words from your sentence as a topic title and write that above your question in Heading 1 format (palette above).
Whoever answers your question will answer like this in normal black format.
A horizontal line after each answer signifies the end ( horizontal line button:
Sample Project + Key Word Heading
Can you write your question here?
Someone will answer here.
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