
Six Traits of Writing

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 16 years, 3 months ago

The six traits (plus one) of powerful writing are:

Click the trait for an individual rubric for each trait.

Ideas and Content--

the heart of the writing; the main idea or story line


the internal structure--the form and flow (poetry form, essay form, paragraphing, story form)


evidence of the writer; style and personality or excitement and sincerity; the author is committed, compelling, and credible

Word Choice-------

vocabulary or terminology; NIFTY NOUNS; VIVID VERBS; simile, metaphor, alliteration, mind movies, powerful descriptions, imagery, sensory images, technical vocabulary

Sentence Fluency--

rhythm, flow, sound; short and long sentences; differeing sentence beginnings


penmanship, spelling, capitals, paragraphs, punctuation, grammar

Text Presentation--

the overall professional look of the paper


*Adapted from:

Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

101 SW Main, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97204

Telephone (503) 275-9500

Assessment & Evaluation: Six-Trait Writing Model



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