MOTT Directions in Brief
A Checklist for Class and Home Work
MOTT Example
1. Read
My topic:
My Purpose:
My audience:
2. Respond: respond daily with—
Today I learned that (facts/summary/theme)…
A connection to me is…
This helps me understand that..
With this information I can…
3. Reflect: After reading, interpret your text by responding to—
What did I learn? (words/graphics)
How does this relate to/ connect with me?
How does this help me understand the world?
What will I do with this information?
4. Write a one page paper (at least five hundred (500) words) explaining your interpretation of the text)--
- A clear thesis that states your interpretation of the text in your opening paragraph (answers to Step 3, which your notes should already contain)
- Paragraphs that explain your thesis – each with a main idea that relates to and builds on your thesis
- Includes examples and details from the text you read which provide support to the ideas and connections you made as you read the text (your responses in Step 2)
- Organizes information to maintain the focus and development of supporting details for each paragraph
- A title that helps clarify or even extend the idea/theme/thesis of your paper; it should not be anything like “The Weekly Writing Paper” or “MOTT” or the title of your text.
5. Revise and proofread your paper.
6. Your paper format should include:
Header (name, date due, date submitted, assignment title)
Title (centered, capitalized)
Paper Body (Step 4)
Bibliographic Citation (see your Write Source 2000 or Ginn English or link to for APA format.
o Read and interpret a variety of types of text on a topic of interest to you for your purpose and audience
o Improve your familiarity with how to use resources (texts (fiction and nonfiction), web, thesaurus, dictionary, English resources, etc.)
o Reinforce and extend your knowledge of how to write paragraphs for an audience and purpose that are focused, organized, and developed using examples and details
o Write about a subject of interest to you and your audience that demonstrates your ability to read a variety of texts with insight to make connections to your ideas and your world
o Write with an emphasis on theme, clarity, and correctness
MOTT MOTT Classwork MOTT-Directions
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