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MOTT Directions in Brief



A Checklist for Class and Home Work

MOTT Example


1. Read

My topic:        

My Purpose:                                           

My audience:


2. Respond: respond daily with—

Today I learned that (facts/summary/theme)…

A connection to me is…

This helps me understand that..

With this information I can


3. Reflect: After reading, interpret your text by responding to—

What did I learn? (words/graphics)

How does this relate to/ connect with me?

How does this help me understand the world?

What will I do with this information?


4. Write a one page paper (at least five hundred (500) words) explaining your interpretation of the text)--


  • A clear thesis that states your interpretation of the text in your opening paragraph (answers to Step 3, which your notes should already contain)
  • Paragraphs that explain your thesis – each with a main idea that relates to and builds on your thesis
    •  Includes examples and details from the text you read which provide support to the ideas and connections you made as you read the text (your responses in Step 2)
    • Organizes information to maintain the focus and development of supporting details for each paragraph
  • A title that helps clarify or even extend the idea/theme/thesis of your paper; it should not be anything like “The Weekly Writing Paper” or “MOTT” or the title of your text.


5. Revise and proofread your paper.


6. Your paper format should include:

Header (name, date due, date submitted, assignment title)

Title (centered, capitalized)

Paper Body (Step 4)

Bibliographic Citation (see your Write Source 2000 or Ginn English or link to http://citationmachine.net/  for APA format.




o Read and interpret a variety of types of text on a topic of interest to you for your purpose and audience

o Improve your familiarity with how to use resources (texts (fiction and nonfiction), web, thesaurus, dictionary, English resources, etc.)

o Reinforce and extend your knowledge of how to write paragraphs for an audience and purpose that are focused, organized, and developed using examples and details

o Write about a subject of interest to you and your audience that demonstrates your ability to read a variety of texts with insight to make connections to your ideas and your world

o Write with an emphasis on theme, clarity, and correctness


MOTT    MOTT Classwork    MOTT-Directions

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