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Ideas Tree 1

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 15 years, 8 months ago

Ideas Intro  


If you were a reporter, what would you write?

If you were a storyteller, what would you write?


Tree 2Describe what you see:










What story?

What facts?

What science?

What social studies?

What feelings?











Creative Commons from Wikimedia Commons

Comments (18)

East13 said

at 11:50 am on Jan 26, 2009

Tree, a short bushy tree, a tropical tree on a beach because the leaves and only has leaves on the top. EAST13

Motag13 said

at 11:52 am on Jan 26, 2009

its a weired looking tree with alot of branches sticking out and at the top theres green long leaves also it looks like it has a face on it. it kind of reminds me of the tree off of pocahontis and madoca with her snakes sticking out of her head.
by: motag

West13 said

at 11:57 am on Jan 26, 2009

The tree is very large, the branches are very thick, also it looks like plants that are stuck on a tree. Also it looks like a tropical tree that is on all nice sandy beaches but in a smaller verson too. West13

Laira13 said

at 11:59 am on Jan 26, 2009

what i see is a nice looking tree with green leaves or and a light brown trunks. This tree looks like it has like 12 trees in one, with a bush or a plant on top. These kind of trees you would see in the summer time and spring. It looks like there is a bush on top of a tree. they really are not leaves they look more like a plant or a bush. This odd tree you could probably see in like California, they have trees that look somewhat like this odd tree. This tree reminds me of the man off of tv that has trees for arms. this tree is like a tree but with a bush in top of it.

Ms. Edwards said

at 9:49 pm on Jan 26, 2009

Motag, West, East, and Laira: Each of you have added a unique perspective in the looks and the connections each of made to this tree picture. East's ideas suggest that the tree is fake with pasted ground plants attached like a hair transplant! Motag found a face: is it a wizard or someone trapped? What a story that would make. In addition, Motag found history and legend in this tree ("pocahontis and madoca with her snakes sticking out of her head."). West envisioned a this tree on a "nice, sandy beach." I connected this to both East (tropical) and Laira (California), thinking that perhaps the wind off the ocean or lake might affect the placement of the leaves. What do you think? Finally, Laira describes the tree carefully with details (green leaves, light brown, 12 trees in one, bush/plant on top). I laughed visually the "trees for arms" image. Taking the time to observe and connects helps us add details to our writing. Thanks.

landa61 said

at 2:34 pm on Jan 27, 2009

It looks like there Is arm's coming down with harry arm pits

rojo61 said

at 2:45 pm on Jan 27, 2009

the branches look like big hot dogs.

enmo61 said

at 2:45 pm on Jan 27, 2009

This weird looking tree has many branches and lots of people that are just sitting there starring at the burnt tree . With a lot of branches coming out of it and on the outside of the tree there it almost looks like a hand but with many more

landa61 said

at 2:45 pm on Jan 27, 2009

So harry there thiker than there the jungle after A flooooooooooooooooooooood how long are your tree's And it look's there are potoetas.

rislaw51 said

at 3:41 pm on Jan 27, 2009

its fat vvvvvvvvv its fat cool lookingand it looks lick lick it would be fun to climbthe leefs ar fointee and sharp and it looks licke a skweed if you teurn the pitcher up side down or a person with weerd hair

stenda51 said

at 3:41 pm on Jan 27, 2009

A tree with very thick branches and it Looks like two eyes looking at you and will just stare you down. it even looks like it is really bigger than that, it also looks like it got cut.Also it looks like a porcupine's back.

ellen51 said

at 3:41 pm on Jan 27, 2009

It looks like 16 Trees In One because It has alot Trunks on one tree also it looks like a palm tree so I Would say it is miniature palm tree or A patatoe plant .

alper51 said

at 3:41 pm on Jan 27, 2009

This is a tree that looks like a bunch of people together back to back with spiky hair and all of there hands are tide behind there backs. This tree also looks something similar to a Porky Pine that is ganna lay on some people .

cook51 said

at 3:41 pm on Jan 27, 2009

The leaves look like grass,the branches look like legs.The bottom looks like a face,that is mutated and ugly.
It also looks like a tropical tree.

rislaw51 said

at 3:42 pm on Jan 27, 2009

you have a cool story

Ms. Edwards said

at 9:43 pm on Jan 27, 2009

Landa has a unique view on some one named Harry -- or did you mean "hairy"? Rojo and Landa must have been hungry because they compared the tree to food (simile "like big hot dogs" and "potatoes".) Landa also knows something about floods and trees. Could you explain that a little more? Rislaw things climbing the tree would be fun -- and that he compared it to a squid! Unique! Stenda sees interesting images: porcupine and two eyes! That would make a great story! Ellen knows about palm plants and gave us the fact: 16 trees in one. Alper thought of porcupines, too, and invented part of a story: "people together back to back with spiky hair and all of there hands are tide behind." Very interesting. Cook sees a Lord of the Rings creature I think -- grass, legs, mutation. I wonder if it comes alive? Students, you have added some excellent ideas. Do you think you observed as many details as you could have?

ayming51 said

at 3:37 pm on Jan 28, 2009

What i see is a treeeeeee that looks like its got BIG muscles and its it has little round ones at the top and bottom!!

ayming51 said

at 3:39 pm on Jan 28, 2009

That tree reminds me of that squid guy on pirates of the carribbeen dead mans chest. lol

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