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Etiquette Reflection

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 5 years, 6 months ago


After reading and discussion Etiquette For Students Parts 1 and 2,

we will write summary statements and reflections. Some of our comments will be written on the Responsible Use page for others to discuss further.


As we learn and work in positive ways, each student will create three projects about online safety. Students, please choose a project format and share your projects with me for review before final production and presentation:

  • Google Doc Etiquette summary, lists, or suggestions for others
  • Google Presentation as Etiquette summary, lists, suggestions, or examples for others
  • Comic Sketch of Etiquette
  • Comment on someone's work who follows online etiquette
  • VoiceThread examples, suggestions for others
  • Other (write up your proposal)


<strong>  Think About It</strong>

About safety:

Take the Internet Awesome course-- an engaging way to learn how to be safe on the Internet.

Never post your personal information or information about someone else.





1. Why is personal safety important on the Internet? 


About communication:

Be nice. The most important thing to remember is sarcasm hurts. It is most often misunderstood when typed in a message which is then posted on the Internet. You may think you're funny when you write something rude or silly, but it can be extremely hurtful to read. Negative words hurt worse when said by someone you thought was your friend. So, be overly friendly and be positive. Remember ... treat others as you would like to be treated.

Some folks are not terribly good at thinking and writing at the same time, and what they say ends up sounding not so good. If you think they were deliberately nasty or highly critical, don't agonize over it or respond in kind. The best way to change what people do is to reward good behavior and to ignore bad behavior. Be sure to report any thing that makes you uncomfortable or that feels hurtful to an adult.



2. How is communication on the Internet different than when face-to-face?

3. How can we make certain what we say is read as what we meant?

4. How can we be sure we are helpful, not hurtful?

5. What do we do if something feels uncomfortable or hurtful?


About information:

Be truthful.  Check validity and accuracy.

Not sure about sources of information? Review how to evaluate web resources from Kathleen Morris: A Guide for Teachers and Students

Before referencing a website, ask and answer a few simple questions:

    * Who is the author or sponsor and what are the author's qualifications or credentials?

    * What type of information is provided?

    * When was the information created? last updated or revised?

    * Where is the information coming from- is the domain a .edu, .gov, .org, etc.

    * Why is the information posted; to educate, to inform, to present unbiased views, to entertain, to sell or entice?



6. If we want our site to be a thoughtful, learning area, what is important about the information we use and create?


Connected Pages:  Wiki Etiquette For Students   Etiquette Reflection  Responsible Use

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