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Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 15 years, 2 months ago

What's there?


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True or False?

  1. Polar bears are a main predator of penguins
  2. The North Pole spends half the year in darkness and half in light.
  3. The Arctic is entirely frozen, making it one of the coldest habitats on earth.
  4. There is an Arctic shipping shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans that expedites water travel between Europe and Asia.
  5. The Arctic area is considered an early warning system for climate change.
  6. There is land beneath the North Pole that causes ice to melt in the summer months.
  7. Global warming affects the Beaufort Sea and its surrounding regions.
  8. The Arctic region hosts many species of plants and animals.
  9. What happens in the Arctic regions affects people around the world.


Check out the area:   



Find the Arctic Ocean-Beaufort Sea.

List the facts on paper: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How





Be ready for a 5W + H Game with your facts.









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